Category: Episodes

  • Lacrosse: The Creator’s Game

    Lacrosse: The Creator’s Game

    Have you ever played Lacrosse? Did you know it is an ancient game? In this episode, we learn about why the sport of lacrosse is called “The Creator’s Game” and why the sport is so important in Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) culture. Guests

  • Orange Shirt Day

    Orange Shirt Day

    Have you heard about Orange Shirt Day? In this episode, we learn about Orange Shirt Day, what it is and how it all started as a way to honour Indigenous children who went to Indian residential schools. Links

  • Native Food

    Native Food

    Did you know that a lot of your food comes from Indigenous peoples? In this episode, we learn all about traditional Indigenous foods that come from all over Turtle Island. We also talk about how food is sometimes used in Native ceremonies.

  • Water is Life

    Water is Life

    Did you know that all living things on earth need water to survive? In this episode, we’ll learn about the importance of water and the important work done by Indigenous water protectors.

  • Our Medicines

    Our Medicines

    Did you know that Indigenous peoples use plants from the earth as medicine? Have you ever heard of sweetgrass? Today we will learn all about traditional Indigenous medicines and healing practices like smudging. I also share a special story about my granny.

  • Turtle Island

    Turtle Island

    Have you ever heard of a place called Turtle Island? It’s so close that I bet you even live on it! Today we’ll hear from Dr. Niigaan Sinclair who will tell us a little bit of the Turtle Island story and where to find it. Guest Niigaan Sinclair, Little Peguis First Nation (Canada)

  • Trees Are our Relatives

    Trees Are our Relatives

    Have you ever hugged a tree or taken a tree bath? Did you know that trees are our relatives? Yes! They are family! Today we learn all about how important tree are to our health and well-being on planet earth. Here is a FREE Mi’kmaw colouring book all about trees.

  • David Suzuki Likes Bugs!

    David Suzuki Likes Bugs!

    Do you like bugs? What about spiders? Today we’ll learn from scientist, Dr. David Suzuki about how important it is to work together with Indigenous peoples to protect the health of all living things on the planet – even bugs! Guest David Suzuki (Canada) Picture Jennifer Roessler Links

  • Jingle Dress Dancing

    Jingle Dress Dancing

    Have you ever been to a Native Pow Wow? Have you ever seen a jingle dress? You’ll learn all about this and more when we talk to Celia Wilson from St. Mary’s First Nation in New Brunswick, Canada. Guest Celia Wilson, St. Mary’s First Nation (Canada) Picture Permission by Celia Wilson

  • Spirit Bear’s Mission

    Spirit Bear’s Mission

    Join Spirit Bear and his best friend Cindy Blackstock as they talk about their mission to ensure that all kids are treated fairly! We also learn about what kids can do to help when other kids are being treated poorly. Guest Cindy Blackstock, Gitxsan First Nation (Canada) Picture Permission by First Nations Child & Family…